All strong organizations are defined by their mission statements. In the case of the Hudson County Latin American Chamber of Commerce (HCLACC, the mission is clear:
To develop, promote and enhance commerce, trade, tourism and industry within Hudson County for the benefit of its Latino-American business community.
This includes:
- Supporting or opposing legislation that affects its members
- Educating its members concerning business practices and developments
- Organizing international trade fairs, shows, and exhibitions
- Promoting meaningful business networking activities
- Encouraging entrepreneurship and innovation
- Access to leaders
The HCLACC serves the interests of the ever-growing Latin-American community, which is now almost 43 percent of Hudson County’s population, as well as the interests of all communities within the County.
The activities and programs of the Hudson County Latin American Chamber of Commerce are envisioned, designed and executed around a single, simple and direct vision:
Building a vibrant and prosperous community through business leadership.